

What is the best Real Estate Project Marketing for 2020

2019 was a year of change on many levels for Real Estate developers in Vancouver.  With a not so clear investment outlook for buyers, presell transactions were impacted not by the lack of proper marketing but more by the over supply of new projects and loud incentives.

Despite weekly deals through 5% down payments, Mortgage free living for a year and rent-to-own options the number of sold units did not produce or sustain the impact the developers were hoping for.  This is mainly because the smart buyers now understand there is still room for lower pricing and more creative marketing needed to influence their decision.

Here are the 5 Best Real Estate Presell Marketing techniques for 2020:

  1. Price units well from the beginning so future discounts don’t have to be applied.  This will reflect confidence in the product.
  2. Focus on new concept narrative & differentiate by design. Smart thinking doesn’t have to cost more in construction or materials. Create luxury through better design.
  3. The buying experience at presentation centres continues to be predictable. Thinking of new ways to reach buyers can produce more interest and word of mouth.
  4. Establishing interesting and meaningful cross promotions with other businesses that improve the buyer lifestyle. Reinforcing a new community and supporting local businesses start from here.
  5. Create a lasting project brand and marketing collateral that become part of the development firm’s legacy.

In our line of business, Boltis Project Marketing is all about the details and executing them better than anyone else in the industry.  Our boutique approach to Real Estate project marketing and sales allows us to see the minor issues that developers face and we are able address the pain points efficiently with every new development.

For more additional information or complimentary consultation on your next project contact Boltis Project Marketing

Communication Design Trends

Each year we learn something new about design and the way buyers and sellers connect. After last year’s article had such a success we decided to make some predictions for 2017, so let’s get started!

Design trends are influenced by media, technology, the fashion industry and, lately usability. A trend emerges slowly, gradually, making its way into all design branches, and then disappears in exactly the same way. Basically a design trend’s life is no longer than one or two years. Design in 2017 will continue the trends that materialized in 2016 while adding some new influences, but the feeling is well known and familiar and you may have seen it in the past couple of years. The main influencer remains Google’s Material Design, that suffers a few changes.

Is Your Pre-sale website User-friendly?

It’s quite common among designers to believe that following trends is a crucial part of their job. Being constantly up-to-date is seen as mandatory. Many designers evaluate the work of others through a prism of trends – tagging something as #old can be seen as an insult, as if not fitting the most recent style would automatically make the whole project less valuable.

However, there are reasons to follow the trends. Visiting such websites as Awwwards, FWA or CSS design awards may inspire you and as a result, help you to venture outside of your design habits. You can learn about the new visual worlds, which you can then (consciously or not) integrate with your graphic language. Watching the work of others helps you to keep on improving your skills while being up-to-date when it comes to the latest technologies.