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November 2017

What messaging themes speak loudest to consumers?

People are smart and there is no questions about it. Regardless of ethnicity, education level or awareness towards a specific market, the subconscious intelligence of every vancouverite can identify which marketing messages are worth paying attention to and which ones are plain garbage!

The way our team at Synues Interactive sees it, the marketing message is about the emotional trigger points. In order to effectively connect with the audience, the challenge is to know what the audience needs, wants and is willing to pay attention to. This multi-layered marketing perspective works only when the message is authentic, solve a problem and ultimately invokes the audience to take action even simply by remembering.

Reaching your audience is an important component of any ad campaign, but what good is ad reach if it doesn’t resonate with the audience? A recent Nielsen global online survey discussed the trust levels across earned, owned and paid advertising formats, but effective campaigns require more than identifying the right channel for reaching consumers. It’s also about delivering the right message.

Nielsen Consumer Neuroscience research shows that highly successful ads score well on three dimensions: attention, conversion to long-term memory and emotional engagement. So how can marketers ensure that their ads stand out on these factors? In Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising Survey, we asked 30,000 online consumers which advertising themes are most impactful. The findings shine light on the types of messages they most enjoy—and not surprisingly, they often differ by region and generation.

6 things for brands to consider before investing in virtual reality

Technology is great but not when it is forced in to a situation.  As a gateway to a new experience and how we interact with computerized environments around us, Virtual Reality plays an important introduction. However, aside from the entertainment value, does virtual reality really solve a  problem? Does it allow residents of Vancouver make easier choices when it comes to pre-purchasing a condo? Surely it’s a great invitation but in this particular market given the depth of information to consider, it may not be an effective way of using technology.

In case you missed it, Volvo did something revolutionary last November: It used Google Cardboard — a virtual-reality headset made out of cardboard — to create the world’s first virtual test drive on a smartphone.

Dubbed “Volvo Reality,” the campaign paired an Android app with a Volvo-branded viewer, which together enabled customers to take a virtual test drive of the Volvo XC90 when using their smartphone. Customers loved it — so much so that, by January, interest in the XC90 was up 50 percent over the prior year, said Anders Tylman-Mikiewicz, vice president and general manager at Volvo.

23 Bulletproof Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Forbes said it best. Whether it be 23 Bulletproof Real Estate Marketing Ideas in Vancouver, BC OR top 100 Bulletproof Real Estate Marketing Ideas around the world; It all comes down to do it professionally and doing it right the first time!

Real Estate Agents or Marketing Agencies are all in the same boat but can you guess the main difference?

Most often Vancouver’s Real Estate agents are looking for shortcuts, fast and most cost effective marketing tactics. Furthermore, the marketing channels are more often than not replicated from others in forms of Bus Ads, flyers and local magazine ads. What most talented agents don’t realize is that maximizing exposure without substance and creative process will not result in converting viewers into customers / clients.

On the other hand, Real Estate Project Marketing agencies like Synues Interactive make decisions based on deep understanding of the audience and the target demographic prior to engaging with a specific marketing channels. What the audience needs, expects and would be emotionally intrigued by determines the direction.  In addition, the creative process involved in creating the right visual communication is what determines the success of a Real Estate Marketing Campaign. In conclusion,  the main difference is that experienced marketing professional establish solid marketing framework in order execute Real Estate marketing campaigns.

Continue reading the the Forbes article for additional insight!


In today’s fiercely competitive online mediums, there’s no shortage of potential ways to market real estate. However, like any other online marketing discipline, getting in front of the right customers is posing more and more difficult. As real estate agents and homeowners realize the steep uphill battle needed to be climbed, they turn to professionals to assist them in this highly complex and convoluted field of online marketing.

The truth? Unless you’re an agent, investor or owner with a large platform online, getting in front of the right audience takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight. Yet, as lucrative as the real estate market is for potential fixer-uppers and agencies looking to move homes quickly, there are some proven methods and so-called secrets to success in business, that allow them to sell a home faster and more efficiently than before by using the right real estate marketing strategies.

In short, there are 23 proven methods and ideas for marketing real estate online that will give you the most bang for the proverbial buck. Focus on these 23 methods and you’ll find success in online mediums such as search engine optimization, blogging, social media and video. Ignore these, and you might find yourself floundering in a sea of competition, unable to attract the right clients.